Hello, I'm Luis Felipe!

I'm a Full Stack developer, degree in systems development, information system student and I can code for: automations, websites, machine learning, APIs and data science. My main languages are TypeScript, Python and Go.


Programming languages and tools.

  • Typescript/Javascript

    APIs development (REST and GraphQL), web development, NodeJS

  • Python

    Automation, data science, bots, machine learning, graphic interface and competittive programming

  • Next.js

    Type safety with Typescript, both frontend with React and backend with REST API, optimizations

  • Go

    APIs development, packages, automation

  • React.js

    Components, hooks, GraphQL and REST clients, etc

  • DartJavaHTML & CSSJupyter/Google Colab NotebooksElectronLinux/ShellArduinoPostgreSQLJest
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My knowledge applied in personal projects. Click in the project to see more.

  • Bluesky Follow Suggestion

    Bluesky Follow Suggestion

    Score-based follower suggestion for bluesky!

  • Brigadeiro Maroto

    Brigadeiro Maroto

    An e-commerce I've made for my friend to sell brigadeiros (Brazilian desert) online.

  • Pytosis Simulator

    Pytosis Simulator

    A simple simulator to the cell's reproduction using Python and Pygame.

  • WCA Competitions Alert

    WCA Competitions Alert

    A script which send an e-mail when there's a new WCA (World Cube Association) competition. Integrates the WCA's and the Google Sheets API, the subscription is made by the Google Forms.

  • Automatic schoolwork

    Automatic schoolwork

    A program that, from a subject, extracts content from Wikipedia, summarizes and adds images, then formats and exports a document in the form of schoolwork.

  • Infinite prime numbers generator

    Infinite prime numbers generator

    Algorithm to generate prime numbers infinitely, using iterations, arrays and divisibility tests. I've made a YouTube video explain the logic.

  • Where Am I In The OfficeSee more!
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My background in formal education, in addition to technologies courses and studies of interest.

  • Information Systems

    Information Systems

    Bachelor's degree in Information Systems, a course that involves both technical and managerial bases and soft-skills.

  • Python 3 Course

    Python 3 Course

    Created by Prof. Gustavo Guanabara to "Curso em Vídeo", it shows from basics concepts to errors handling with the Python programming language.

  • <abbr title="Computer Graphic">CG</abbr> Course

    <abbr title="Computer Graphic">CG</abbr> Course

    Made by <abbr title="School of Art Game and Animation">SAGA</abbr> it addresses a broad and updated view on digital art, computer graphics, prototyping and immersive technologies. In it, I improved and developed concepts about vector art, image editing, 3D modeling, animation and video editing.

  • Data Science: Data Visualization with Python

    Data Science: Data Visualization with Python

    The course is created by Diego Mariano and approaches some important concepts for the creation of graphs and data visualization with the Python programming language. It shows even some HTML concepts to create an RNA comparison with real genomes. It is used the Python libraries matplotlib and pandas with data from DataSUS and in biotech databases.

  • Backend Developer Course

    Backend Developer Course

    A full backend course. Showing Git Flow, Systems Architecture, Java, Spring Boot, testing, best practices with SQL, SCRUM, JavaScript ES6, Node.js with Express, best practices with API's and laws about data security.

  • Golang Course

    Golang Course

    Brazilian version made by Ellen Körbes of a course originally made by Todd McLeod. It shows all the advantages of using the Go Programming Language, fundamental concepts and best practices to code in Go.

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    Click here to see the complete set of education